The story of the exodus was a battle of the supernatural versus supernatural rather than Moses versus Pharaoh. The deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt and the establishment of Israel was a contest between supernatural powers. Exodus 12:12
Exodus 6:6-11
Numbers 33:1-4
Why does God demand the freedom of His People?
That they may worship Him. Exodus 4:22-23
-God deserves our praise and worship- because He is the true, living and glorious God
-We are created to worship and love God – it is our nature
-Our eternal destiny depends on it
2. Special relationship with Believers
-Israel is my firstborn-covenant relationship
God’s claim over Israel predates and supersedes Pharaoh’s claim of servitude
3.God will not share His glory with anyone
Exodus 20:3-5. Revelations 4:11
What Pharaoh Represents in your Life?
1.Pharaoh represents a principality and power dictating events and controlled lives.
In Egyptian religion, Pharaoh war regarded as the son of the Egyptian sun god Re. Re was also believed to be the creator of the sky and brought order. In the plaques God demonstrated to be true creator of all things created order in the midst of chaos. The plaques of darkness and death of the Egyptian firstborn was a demonstration by God of His power over life and death. This was an affront against Osiris, the Egyptian god of fertility, the dead and the underworld.
Deuteronomy 10:17
2.Pharaoh represents oppression and cruelty.
He was arrogant and ruled with absolute powers. He had the whole Egypt under his authority and enslaved the Jewish people for over 400 years. The Jews were religious but powerless. Pharaoh saw no evidence of the power of God in their lives so they remained his slaves. Exodus 6:5-8
-Pharaoh represents an enemy that enslave you under an ungodly system.
Pray against the spirit that makes people religious without the power of godliness. 2 Timothy 3:5
3.Pharaoh represents resistance to freedom of God’s people. Exodus 5:2
Pray against any personality or power that stands between you and the fulfillment of the will of God in your life.
4.Pharaoh is a prideful spirit that make people trust in themselves rather than God which is a common form of idolatry. Idolatry opposes God directly or indirectly and end up in destruction. Exodus 14:28
Pray against false gods and superstition that cause people to close their minds and heart refusing to accept Jehovah as the One true God.
5.Pharaoh represents the world, the flesh and Satan. 1 John 2:15-17
How did God judge Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt?
Exodus 7:3-4 tells us The ten plaques of Egypt constitute a judgment of the pantheon of gods and deities in Egypt. Romans 9:17 “For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”
-Whatever evil works of the wicked that is active in the night against your life shall be broken with the dawn in Jesus name. Job 38:15
-Exodus 12:42 Pray that as the Lord kept vigil to deliver Israel from bondage,He will deliver us from every bondage. As the Israelites were commanded to keep vigil to honor God we will forever keep vigil to honor God.
-Pray that we shall not tempt Christ by lusting after the things of the world and sensual pleasures from which through his death on the cross we have been delivered. 1 Corinthians 10:9
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